Sword Art Online Lost sang

Sword Art Online ps vita
Beskrivelse :

Det er farligt at gå alene ind Sword Art Online: Lost Song ps vita . Singleplayer-kampagnen er papirtynd, kamp og fjender er gentagne, og fanservicen holdes på et minimum. På den anden side, ved at tilføje andre spillere til blandingen, kan du finde det sjove i dens glatte kontroller, koordinering af angreb mod horder af fjender og hårde konkurrencedueller.

While in the midst of my 15th boss fight in Sword Art Online: Lost Song ps vita , all I could think was: is this really all there is to it? I had fought the same type of hydra creature at least half a dozen times before, and had long since memorized a strategy for defeating it. Sword skill, sword skill, dodge, dodge, dodge, magic blast, magic blast. “Repeat as necessary” pretty much sums up the entire dull single-player campaign for Lost Song. The multiplayer does bring some much needed energy into combat, with fast-paced player vs. player rounds and a variety of co-op missions, but even that can only last for so long


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Udgiver: gamepsvita.com

Udvikler: gamepsvita.com

Genre : aktion

Type: ISO

Download links:

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Download Sword Art Online Lost song Ps vita
