

download Limbo ps vita


LIMBO Ps vita , petualangan platform teka-teki hitam dan putih, menempatkan pemain dalam peran seorang anak laki-laki yang bepergian melalui dunia yang menakutkan dan berbahaya dalam upaya untuk menemukan nasib saudara perempuannya.

Limbo Ps vita  is a black and white puzzle-platforming adventure that puts players in the role of a young boy traveling through a hostile world in an attempt to discover the fate of his sister. limbo  challenges players with traversing dark forests, trap-filled underground complexes, and stormy rooftops brought to life with hand-drawn visuals. They must be quick, clever, and fearless if they want to survive their journey and unravel the mysteries at Limbo’s sinister heart.So I’ll say this: if you haven’t played it, then already grab it immediately, since it’s easily one of the Top 10 Vita games, and it has a pretty strong argument as one of the Top 5. (The same goes for people who already have the game for PS3, since it’s a Cross-Buy title). And if you have played it? Well, it can’t hurt to play it again, and to remind yourself of why it’s such an outstanding title.

 Tangkapan Layar:




Penerbit:  PLAYDEAD

Pengembang: PLAYDEAD

Genre : Platformers

Jenis : Hombrew

Unduh Tautan:

MELIHAT :(Klik tautan di bawah, Selesaikan survei apa pun dan unduhan Anda akan terbuka. Hanya Satu! untuk membuka kunci semua GAME Ps Vita GRATIS.jadi pilih salah satu yang menarik minat Anda)

Download Limbo Ps vita Free
