Serangan Frontal Penuh Ratchet Dan Clank

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Deskripsi :
For now all we have is the listing, though the signs are there. ICO/SOTC, God of War, Sly, and most recently, Jak & Daxter, have all been on the receiving end of the HD treatment, and given Ratchet and Clank’s lasting popularity, we have no doubts Sony’s had this one in the pipeline for some time.

Muramasa Rebirth

Downoad Muramasa Rebirth  Ps vita
Deskripsi :

Muramasa Rebirth Ps vita is the follow-up to Muramasa: The Demon Blade that tells the tale of two souls and 108 deadly blades The game  about as good a remake as one could realistically hope for on the Vita and a must-buy for anyone who enjoyed the original release but wished it controlled better than it did.

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dewa perang

Download God of War Ps vita
Deskripsi :

Terletak di ranah mitologi Yunani, God of War Ps vita untuk terakhir kalinya menempatkan Kratos di pusat pembantaian dan kehancuran saat ia berusaha membalas dendam terhadap para Dewa yang telah mengkhianatinya. Sebuah permainan pemain tunggal, bab terakhir ini memungkinkan pemain untuk mengambil peran iklim mantan prajurit Sparta, Kratos, saat ia menapaki ketinggian menakutkan dari Gunung Olympus dan kedalaman gelap Neraka sekali lagi untuk membalas dendam pada mereka. yang telah mengkhianatinya. Dipersenjatai dengan bilah rantai ganda, Kratos harus menghadapi makhluk paling gelap dalam mitologi sambil memecahkan teka-teki rumit sepanjang pencariannya yang tanpa ampun untuk menghancurkan Olympus.

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Mahkota Naga

download Dragon Crown free ps vita
Deskripsi :

Dragon’s Crown Ps vita  thrusts you into a fantastical medieval world packed with labyrinthine dungeons to explore, vile monstrosities to smite, and nearly endless online adventure. Your mission is to dive into the dank underworld,

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