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The Legend of Heroes ps vita
Deskripsi :

Legend of Heroes ps vita features a good strategic focus and a plethora of fierce opponents, but its riveting narrative is where it really shines. The transformation of a simple rescue mission into a vast conspiracy against the throne should put you on the edge of your seat, while Joshua and Estelle’s budding romance steals the show. The result is a heartwarming adventure that marks a welcome North American debut for the series.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky isn’t just a wholly brilliant example of the genre done justice – it goes the extra mile in crafting a lengthy game that also maintains its initial entertainment value right through to its end.


 >> Game ini dimodifikasi untuk dimainkan di ps vita tanpa hack atau apa pun. kami tidak mengizinkan orang atau pihak mana pun untuk membagikan game ini ke situs web lain, semua hak dilindungi undang-undang untuk gamepsvita.com <<


Penerbit: gamepsvita.com

Pengembang: gamepsvita.com

Genre : tindakan

Jenis: ISO

Unduh Tautan:

MELIHAT :(Klik tautan di bawah, Selesaikan survei apa pun dan unduhan Anda akan terbuka. Hanya Satu! untuk membuka kunci semua GAME Ps Vita GRATIS .jadi pilih salah satu yang menarik minat Anda)

Download The Legend of Heroes Ps vita
