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What can I say about Rayman Legends Ps vita  that has not already been said? This game was originally designed to be a Vita  exclusive launch title. Although many of us at Family Friendly Gaming thought it would eventually make it to the Playstation 3, Personal Computer, and Xbox 360. Some even thought it would appear on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One

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Let’s face it, lego the hobbit ps vita is very in vogue at the moment. There are LEGO products coming out almost too fast to count, with almost every franchise or intellectual property imaginable getting the “block” treatment. To be fair, a great deal of this can be laid at the feet of Traveller’s Tales, the video game developer that has brought us so many memorable hours collecting studs and solving puzzles, all the while laughing at the wry re-imagining of memorable movies and inherent

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For now all we have is the listing, though the signs are there. ICO/SOTC, God of War, Sly, and most recently, Jak & Daxter, have all been on the receiving end of the HD treatment, and given Ratchet and Clank’s lasting popularity, we have no doubts Sony’s had this one in the pipeline for some time.