Clash Of Clans [upravené pre Ps Vita]

clash of clans ps vita
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Clash Of Clans Ps vita  poskytuje toľko úderov za peniaze, koľko chcete. Systém nákupu v hre je navrhnutý veľmi pekne, ak chcete pokračovať v hraní rýchlym tempom, jediný spôsob, ako to urobiť, je použiť skutočné peniaze. Hoci sú herné mechanizmy dosť zjednodušené, Clash of Clans vás dostane na háčik. Ak je vašou zbraňou Farmville, s touto sa nemôžete pokaziť, zdá sa, že online strategické hry sa tešia rovnakému nárastu záujmu, aký si pred pár mesiacmi vychutnávali kasínové tituly, a ako to bolo vtedy, niekedy je ťažké rozlíšiť jedno od druhého. Mohlo by vám byť odpustené, že ste si to mysleli Clash of Clans . Aj keď sa líšia vizuálnymi štýlmi, obe hry sa zameriavajú na budovanie základne v trvalom online prostredí a jej následnú obranu pred ostatnými hráčmi. Cítite sa divoko? Môžete zaútočiť aj na ostatných hráčov. Dobrou správou však je, že na rozlíšenie je toho dosť Clash of Clans ps vita ako hru, ktorú sa oplatí hrať

 Parents need to know that Clash of Clans ps vita  is a strategic action game that pits players against both artificial-intelligence characters and real-world opponents. The app’s license agreement requires all players to be at least 13; teens 13 to 17 are supposed to have a guardian agree to the terms, but it’s on the honor system. There are frequent battles with explosions and the cries of defeated soldiers, but there is no graphic violence. The game’s core component is its multiplayer mode, wherein players can attack the villages of other players (and defend their own), but they don’t communicate with each other directly when these attacks occur — though there is a global chat functionality when players are in their own villages. Fortifying a village and building an army cost money, and the game uses in-app purchases to help players buy in-game currency to upgrade quicker.To me, Clash of Clans ps vita  represents a tentative but significant step towards changing this, though it’s a step that few take the time to recognise. See,Clash of Clans asks you to be good at the game as well as patient, and for that it deserves recognition.Clans asks you to build a village and populate it with everything the warring tribe you’re leading might need. A town hall for leadership, a gold mine for money, an army camp to hold your warriors, an Elixir collector to gather up this additional resource from the ether – pretty soon you’ve got plenty of architectural work to be getting on with





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UPOZORNENIE :(Kliknite na odkaz nižšie, vyplňte ľubovoľný prieskum a sťahovanie sa odomkne. Ak chcete odomknúť všetky, iba jeden! BEZPLATNÉ HRY Ps Vita .tak si vyberte ten, ktorý vás zaujíma)

Download Clash Of Clans Ps vita
