steins gate

steins gate Ps vita
Opis :

Steins Gate Ps vita Okabe Rintaro - alias Okarin - je ekscentrični študent, ki sanja o zaroti in kaosu. Sprejel je podobo norega znanstvenika in preživlja čas z razvijanjem nenavadnih pripomočkov s prijatelji v njihovem improviziranem laboratoriju. Nekega dne po naključju ugotovijo, da lahko eden od njihovih izumov pošilja e-pošto v preteklost. Z drugimi besedami, ustvarili so časovni stroj. SERN, John Titor, IBN 5100, učinek metulja in 11 teorij potovanja skozi čas – ko naključje združi te elemente v Akihabari na Japonskem, usoda sveta visi na nitki. Kaj bo izbral Okarin, ko bo držal prihodnost v svojih rokah

Steins;Gate Ps vita  is the story of Rintarou Okabe, self-styled mad scientist (read: college student) who accidentally invents time travel in the two-room apartment he calls his lab. However, the time machine does not send a person through time, but instead a small, short email.Much of the first act deals with figuring out the rules of time travel—i.e., what the ability to send emails into the past can really affect and the unintended consequences of even the simplest of messages.Over the course of the game, two other forms of time travel are introduced: a Quantum Leap-type machine that allows you to transfer your memories into your past body and a true time machine that can take you physically into the past. However, each of these types of time travel have their own unique rules which limit their usefulness—as does the multiverse itself.



 >> Ta igra je prirejena za igranje na ps vita brez vdora ali česa podobnega. ne dovolimo, da bi ljudje ali katera koli stranka delili to igro z drugimi spletnimi stranmi, vse pravice pridržane <<




Žanr : ukrepanje

Vrsta: ISO

Povezave za prenos:

OPAZITI :(Kliknite na spodnjo povezavo, izpolnite poljubno anketo in vaš prenos se bo odklenil. Samo ena! za odklepanje vseh BREZPLAČNE IGRE Ps Vita .zato izberite tisto, ki vas zanima )

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