play psp games on ps vita
As you probably know, the PlayStation Vita can play PSP games. But the consoleis devoid of UMD drive, it must pass through the PlayStation Store for PlayStation Portable titles.
If for some it poses no concern, since they have already bought their games on the PlayStation Store, for others it means ironing at checkout. But this is not the debate of the day, let us rather to emulation PSP itself.
In this tutorial we will cover the purchase of a game, download, installation on thePlayStation Vita and of course reading.
On downloading, it is possible to obtain a title directly from the PSP PSVita or go through the PS3. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages.
As you will see, some titles will force us to go through a PS3. He must know that Sony has “made compatible” with certain titles only PSVita. In other words, in the words of the firm, though some PSP games available on PlayStation Store PSP,PS3 Media Go or are not compatible with the PlayStation Vita and therefore areinaccessible from the PSS of the latter, but are quite accessible since the PS3Store and transferable to PSVita thereafter.