tales of hearts r

tales of hearts r ps vita
Description :

Kor Meteor is a youngster surviving in a small village by the sea who trains with his grandfather in the ways of the sword. Impressed by Kor’s increasing skills, his grandfather leaves to him an atypical weapon known as a Soma. Kor meets a young lady, Kohaku Hearts who is in search of a Soma weapon along with her brother Hisui. Amidst their search, a mysterious witch surfaces and casts a spell on Kohaku’s Spiria, the embodiment of her heart and soul. Kor tries to lift the spell by connecting to her Spiria but inadvertently shatters her Spiria Core, the font of all her emotions. Kor, armed only with the Soma left to him by his grandfather, must now embark on a journey to discover a way to make Kohaku’s Spiria whole once again


Kor Meteor doesn’t try. Kor Meteor DOES!” This cheesy motto, one that would make Yoda proud, lies at the center of Tales of Hearts R ps vita , a remake of the Nintendo DS RPG Tales of Hearts and the latest in the long-running Tales series to reach western shores. While it’s certainly not the worst Tales game on offer, or even the worst game the series has to offer this year, it nonetheless carries a number of flaws that hold it back from greatness.

 >> This game is modified to be played on ps vita without hack or anything  . we dont allow people or any party  to share this game to other website , all right reserved to gamepsvita.com  <<


Publisher: gamepsvita.com

Developer: gamepsvita.com

Genre : action

Type: ISO

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