The Walking Dead

Download The Walking Dead Ps vita
Description :

The Walking Dead Ps vita  certainly isn’t suited for action junkies, but it’s a perfect way to relax after getting constantly sniped in that hell-on-earth, apocalyptic zombie-simulator mod known as DayZ . With DayZ, we already know how absolutely horrible human beings are. Not can be, but are. With The Walking Dead game, we still have hope that we can hold onto our humanity

To cut a long story short, if you nab all five episodes of this game and play through all of them consecutively, you’ll be treated to one of the best adventure games of all time. The Walking Dead Ps vita represents a jewel in the realm of episodic adventures. This game will shock you. It’ll make you cry and curse. One of the most memorable gaming experience we’ve had in a long time. Don’t miss out on it.


Gameplay :

Publisher:  SONY

Developer:  SONY

Genre : Action


Download Links:

NOTICE :(Click on the link Below ,  Complete any survey  and your download will unlock. Only One ! to unlock all FREE Ps Vita GAMES .so choose one that interests you )

Download The Walking Dead Ps vita
