
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Ps vita
描述 :

海贼无双 3 ps vita 对涌入玩家屏幕的成群敌人进行如雨般的攻击,并与伙伴进行双人组队以发动更大规模的攻击。无数的合作动作和融合攻击与新的支持攻击将把动作游戏推向更高的高度。与草帽一伙的最爱,甚至像黑船长、阿尔维达和斧手摩根这样的恶棍一起加入战斗,发动无拘无束的连击,让敌人飞起来


部落冲突 [为 Ps Vita 编辑]

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描述 :

Clash Of Clans  Ps vita  delivers as much bangs for buck as you want. The in-game purchasing system is designed very nicely, if you want to continue playing with fast pace, the only way to do this is to use real money. Although the game mechanics are quite simplistic, Clash of Clans gets you on the hook. If Farmville is your weapon of choice, you can’t go wrong with this one,Online strategy games seem to be enjoying the same surge of interest that casino titles were savoring just a couple of a months ago, and as was the case then, it sometimes gets hard to tell one apart from the other. You could be forgiven for thinking that Clash of Clans . While they differ in visual styles, both games center on building up a base in a persistent online environment and then defending it from other players. Feeling feisty? You can attack other players as well. The good news, though, is that there’s enough to distinguish Clash of Clans ps vita as a game worth playing

橄榄球 15

Rugby 15 Ps vita
描述 :

去年年底,我回顾了 橄榄球 15 Ps vita :来自 HB Studios 的街机橄榄球联盟头衔,几乎没有值得注意的品质。但这种经历的长短是,橄榄球 15 很臭。快进九个月,同一个开发商发布了几乎相同的游戏,有许多与 Rugby 15 相同的缺陷,还有一些新的缺陷


Handball 16

Handball 16 Ps vita
描述 :

It is hard not to notice how the FIFA series has influenced Handball 16 ps vita . Menu structure, loading screens, player creation and progressive player skill unlocks all reek of FIFA. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, yes I understand that, but IHF Handball is a copy of a copy of a copy and as a result it has stunted its own look, so top to bottom feels lifeless and very very drab.  Player textures flicker, look unfinished, while players animations are stiff,  with players that rarely look in contact with the ball or the  floor.

Bad commentary, poor graphics, and



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描述 :

蝙蝠侠与 DC 漫画宇宙的超级英雄联手,飞向外太空,阻止邪恶的 Brainiac 摧毁地球。利用灯环的力量,布莱尼亚克将世界小型化,以添加到他疯狂收集的来自银河系的迷你城市。最伟大的超级英雄和最狡猾的恶棍现在必须团结起来,前往不同的灯笼世界收集灯笼戒指并阻止布莱尼亚克,然后才能做任何事情



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描述 :

Kor Meteor 是一个在海边的一个小村庄里幸存下来的年轻人,他与祖父一起学习剑术。 Kor 不断提高的技能给他留下了深刻的印象,他的祖父给他留下了一种被称为 Soma 的非典型武器。 Kor 遇到了一位年轻女士 Kohaku Hearts,她和她的兄弟 Hisui 一起寻找 Soma 武器。在他们的搜索中,一个神秘的女巫浮出水面,并对琥珀的灵魂施了一个咒语,这是她心灵和灵魂的化身。科尔试图通过连接她的 Spiria 来解除咒语,但无意中破坏了她的 Spiria Core,这是她所有情绪的源泉。 Kor,只带着祖父留给他的 Soma,现在必须踏上一段旅程,寻找一种方法,让 Kohaku 的 Spiria 再次完整



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描述 :

Beach & Clear ps vita Build your arsenal with thousands of gun combinations, and specialize each soldier with a combination of perks, tactics, camo, armor, and inventory all tailored by you. Tune your load-out with consumables like UAV Drones and Breaching Charges that can change the course of battle!


武士无双 4

download Samurai Warriors 4 ps vita
描述 :

小号amurai Warriors 4 Ps vita 主要模式,故事模式,分为两个部分,区域故事,讲述九州和四国等土地各地的军官的故事,以及统一的故事,详细描述直到战国结束的事件国家时代。与之前的 SW 系列游戏相比,战斗和围绕它们的故事由派系来描绘,让角色之间的戏剧性关系比以往任何时候都更深入地探索。体验每个角色为自己承担的信念、相互交织的抱负和动机


世界拉力锦标赛 5

download WRC 5 ps vita
描述 :

在 WRC 5 ps vita 中,您可以在清晨、中午、日落甚至夜间开始驾驶。一天中的这些不同时刻让您体验不同的氛围(晨雾、耀眼的日落),前灯坡道对于夜间舞台非常有用。

