Rayman Origins

Download Rayman Origins PsVita

Download Rayman Origins Ps Vita


Rayman Origins is a game platforms on PS Vita. The title offers an old-fashioned gameplay in two dimensions and to return to the roots of the series. Through nearly 60 different levels, the player must release small creatures called Electoons and collect Lums in distrusting many traps and enemies that lie ahead. This version is not playable in coop but can challenge other players in Ghost Mode.

Download Rayman Origins Ps Vita

Rayman Origins Playstation VitaRayman Origins Playstation VitaRayman Origins Playstation VitaRayman Origins Playstation VitaRayman Origins Playstation VitaRayman Origins Playstation Vita


Vydavateľ:  Ubisoft

Vývojár:  Ubisoft

Žáner : Dobrodružstvo


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UPOZORNENIE :(Kliknite na odkaz nižšie, vyplňte ľubovoľný prieskum a sťahovanie sa odomkne. Ak chcete odomknúť všetky, iba jeden!  BEZPLATNÉ HRY Ps Vita  .tak si vyberte ten, ktorý vás zaujíma)

Download Rayman Origins Ps Vita
