LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Ps vita
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Batman sa spojí so super hrdinami z univerza DC Comics a vyletí do vesmíru, aby zastavil zlého Brainiaca v zničení Zeme. Pomocou sily prstencov Lucerny Brainiac miniaturizuje svety a pridáva ich do svojej dementnej zbierky mini miest z celej galaxie. Tí najväčší super hrdinovia a najprefíkanejší darebáci sa teraz musia spojiť a cestovať do rôznych svetov lampášov, aby zbierali prstene lampášov a zastavili Brainiac skôr, ako už nebude možné nič urobiť.

In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham ps vita , the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics Universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth. Using the power of the Lantern Rings, Brainiac shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe. Now the greatest super heroes and the most cunning villains must unite and journey to different Lantern Worlds to collect the Lantern Rings and stop Brainiac before it’s too late.

Players will unlock more than 150 unique characters from the DC Comics universe, including members of the Justice League and LEGO big figures such as Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy and many more. Fans of all ages will be able to control their favorite heroes and villains with new gadgets and abilities. Brainiac’s mind controlling abilities and the power of the Lantern rings bring unexpected twists to the classic characters’ personalities.



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UPOZORNENIE :(Kliknite na odkaz nižšie, vyplňte ľubovoľný prieskum a sťahovanie sa odomkne. Ak chcete odomknúť všetky, iba jeden! BEZPLATNÉ HRY Ps Vita .tak si vyberte ten, ktorý vás zaujíma)

Download LEGO Batman 3  Beyond Gotham   Ps vita
