Angry Birds Trilogy

描述 :

Angry Birds Trilogy  truly have reached a turning point when a video game reaches popularity not on a PC, Xbox 360, or PS3 but on your phone and attains such pop culture prominence that it then tries to find an audience on the platform that used to create the audience in the first place.

I have lost track of how many times I have requested a certain game get ported over. Angry Birds Trilogy  Ps vita  is a little different case though. See I have not played it before. I have heard about it, so when I was told it was coming to the Playstation 3, and Playstation Portable via the Playstation Network, I knew we have to cover it. So I put in my request, and a download code later I was playing 愤怒的小鸟


出版商:  Activition

开发商:  Activition

类型 :  冒险



注意 :(点击下面的链接,完成任何调查,您的下载将解锁。只有一个!解锁所有 免费 Ps Vita 游戏 .所以选择一个你感兴趣的)

Download  Angry Birds Trilogy  Ps vita
