
Child Of light ps vita
描述 :

育碧决定做一个实验,并且 光之子 ps vita 是他们第一个成功的生物。法国开发者不仅展示了 JRPG 类型的基础知识,还展示了将它们重新塑造并融合成迷人且具有艺术美感的产品的能力。光之子是我玩过的最吸引人、最美丽、最大气的游戏之一最近几年。童话般的剧本足以让你回到童年,让你充满乡愁,艺术指导让你无言以对,还有令人惊叹的配乐。如果您愿意忽略低难度级别,您将享受有史以来最诚实,最充满灵魂的游戏之一。然而,如果挑战是你所寻求的,那么最好去别处看看。

Every aspect of 光之子 ps vita  has an unmistakably artisinal, organic feel to it. None of it feels focus-tested, or designed to appeal to the broadest possible audience; rather, it always comes off as exactly the expression its creators intended. The artwork on display is stunning, and the combat is constantly engaging, and the characters openly defy genre convention. But perhaps the best thing I can say about Child of Light is that I was often unsure as to whether I was headed in the direction I was supposed to, and I never once cared. I just wanted to fly to every corner of the world, take it in, and smile



 >> 这个游戏被修改为可以在 ps vita 上玩,无需 hack 或任何东西。我们不允许任何人或任何一方将此游戏分享到其他网站,所有权利保留给gamepsvita.com <<


出版商: gamepsvita.com

开发商: gamepsvita.com

类型 : 行动

类型: 国际标准化组织


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