
download FEZ ps vita
描述 :

抛开所有的烦恼,还有一丝光彩 FEZ ps vita .你有继续玩下去的动力,因为解开谜题会打开一扇新的大门,你会进入另一个未知的神秘世界。我们喜欢音乐和复古风格的像素化艺术。 Fez 让人想起 2D 经典,所以如果你和我一样,怀旧应该会立即开始

The callbacks to classic gaming are frequent and welcome. FEZ ps vita  is a regular influence, with a guide who sparkles like a minimalist Navi and says things like “Hey, listen!”. Opening a chest also recalls the triumphant, crescendoing musical cue so prominent in that series. The princess-rescuing plumber is also an omnipresent inspiration but never more so than when Gomez plucks a bomb from the ground and rushes to plant it before a crumbling wall.



出版商: WP游戏

开发商: WP游戏

类型 :  行动



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Download  FEZ  Ps vita
