atelier meruru plus magang arland

atelier meruru plus the apprentice of arland Ps vita
Deskripsi :

One year after the events of Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland, the story begins in Arls Kingdom, a tiny nation in the far northwest of the Arland Republic. The quaint kingdom lacks the highly developed machinery and alchemy of the larger nation, but is nonetheless poised to join the Republic. However, many obstacles must first be overcome.

ATELIER MERURU PLUS: THE APPRENTICE OF ARLAND Ps vita  is the next installment in the popular series from famed developer GUST. ATELIER MERURU PLUS adds new elements of land development to the RPG and simulation game system, providing additional depth and gameplay in this anime-style adventure. In addition, extra content and features are packed in including new costumes, new endings, and all the DLC from the PS3 version. Fans will have an opportunity to see what unfolds in this third and final game in the Arland series.

Tangkapan Layar:

Penerbit: Aktivasi

Pengembang: Aktivasi

Genre :  Platform


Unduh Tautan:

MELIHAT :(Klik tautan di bawah, Selesaikan survei apa pun dan unduhan Anda akan terbuka. Hanya Satu! untuk membuka kunci semua GAME Ps Vita GRATIS .jadi pilih salah satu yang menarik minat Anda)

Download atelier meruru plus the apprentice of arland Ps vita
